Covid-secure Rehearsal Protocol - updated 25 April 2022

As Wales has moved to Alert Level Zero our risk assessment has also changed.   Please see below a summary of the steps we are taking. 


If you are in a position to do so,  doing a Lateral Flow Test on the day of the rehearsal will help keep infections away from choir members. 

If you feel ill in the days before the rehearsal please do not come.   

We will continue to keep attendance records - please let us know if you test positive for Covid soon after attending a rehearsal. 

There is no longer a requirement for social distancing at any point in the rehearsal or moving through the Bridges Centre. 


There is no longer any requirement to wear a mask. 


We encourage you all to take up vaccinations against Covid. 


Refreshments will not be provided, but we will have a short break. Do bring your own drinks and feel free to mingle.

The fire doors and skylights will remain open throughout the rehearsal to increase the ventilation in the room.  Wrap up warm! 



The full text of the briefing is available to members here.